Maryanne Pollock
Exuberance and delight feed the work of Maryanne
Pollock. Her spontaneous
whirl-of-the-dervish gestures open a kind of synesthesia. I can feel in her painting the measures of
dance and the intervals of music. They put me in mind of jazz or hip hop. Pollock’s
paintings are always magical whether they are pure gesture or infused with
geometry or plein air Washington landscapes.
It’s a magic that is open and marvelous.
Significant to Pollock’s work is the fact that she spent
1997-2003 in Zamalek and Cairo in Egypt.
Earlier she had studied at the Tyler School of Art as well as the
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art in Philadelphia, and then she came to
Washington and studied further at the Corcoran and American University.
Maryanne Pollock’s latest paintings are some of her
strongest work. In “Black Sand” there is a painterliness that resonates with
the dash of line and color. It makes me
feel like I’m running my fastest or dancing my hardest! By Marsha Ralls