Leaders in Dubai, November 28-29, 2006 Highlight
General Colin Powell and Marsha Ralls
Leaders in Dubai was another mind expanding few days. First, I am extremely grateful and proud of my fellow countrymen that spoke at Leaders in Dubai. General Powell was the perfect Statesman and an inspiring leader sharing his life as a General, Diplomat and Philanthropic leader through his community work. Amazingly, he spoke for what seemed like minutes ... but I'm sure it was at least an hour and he had absolutely no notes, stood stage center and never missed a beat! General Powell and wife Alma are definitely the role models that I respect and hope to implement in my own life! Other favorite speakers were Lou Gerstner and Michael Eisner, both great American business men with compelling experiences to share. But my favorite speaker was Her Majesty Queen Noor, an intelligent, elegant, informative humanitarian. Her grace and beauty brought another dimension to the conference. Women have a strong understanding for what is needed for peace as well as compassion to guide us to a better world. Queen Noor has taken her position and is using her experience to lead and bridge many cultures. I really enjoyed the new friends I made and loved the many Nationals that I met! Also, I found the CNN CEO forum to be fascinating with top business leaders speaking candidly about the future of Dubai and the work needed from the business community. Unfortunately, I don't have the names (but will go back and locate them) but remember one owning a courier business - definitely has to be a profitable business in the Gulf given they don't have a regular postal system. Everyone receives their mail at a Post Office Box and explaining how to deliver a package is common practice (may I add at times frustrating). One of the comments made in the CNN CEO forum that stood out was the need to foster entrepreneurship and small businesses. Here I thought Dubai was the most entrepreneurial community ... I need to locate this man and pitch NFTE (National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship)! www.leadersindubai.com